So far, we’ve just had a small glimpse of 2021, but as many people anticipated, it already appears that challenges lie ahead as the country and the economy try to emerge from the pandemic. But that just means you will need to up your leadership skills game, and maybe even develop some new ways of […]
Ready For 2021? Not if You’re Uncomfortable with Uncertainty and Change
If you feel an overwhelming sense of unease anytime life tosses an extra helping of uncertainty and change your way, then 2020 must have been an even rougher year for you than it was for the rest of us – and that was pretty rough. And while we are now all happily saying farewell to […]
Dropping the Baton: When Business Handoffs Go Awry
When times are tough – as they are now with COVID-19 and the economic downturn – it’s more critical than ever that any handoffs within your organization happen with as much precision as possible. Otherwise, you lose time, and lost time means lost money. That’s bad even when the economy is humming on all cylinders. […]
Is There Such a Thing as a Born Leader? Here’s The Answer
Here’s a popular phrase you will hear in the corporate world: “That person is a born leader.” But are they really? When I was a West Point cadet, one of the first questions put to me was this: “Are leaders born or are they made?” It’s a head-scratcher, isn’t it? I won’t keep you in […]
Whether You Sell Computers, Books Or Auto Parts, Your Real Product Is Trust
One day many years ago I was chatting about sales with one of my mentors, Dick Westbrook, who also happened to work for me at Mustang Engineering. Dick said something I found illuminating. “All we ever sell is trust,” he told me. He was right, of course. We might have thought we were selling our […]
Are Employees Mystified By What Co-Workers Do? Cross-Training Can Fix That
Cross-training is a philosophy often pushed to the periphery. Most people working at a business—assuming they were trained properly—have a good understanding of the job they were hired to do and the myriad responsibilities associated with that job. But how much do they know about their coworkers’ jobs? Beyond being able to recite job titles, […]
Five-Star Employees Are Out There. Here’s How To Find Them
It’s no secret that in the business world, your employees can make or break you. If you recruit top-notch talent and create a culture where they can thrive, your business will reap the rewards. If your hiring practices are an afterthought—and you view your people as interchangeable and expendable – you will likely be dealing […]